Diagnostic Accuracy of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra in suspected TB with two sputum smear negative Acid-fast Bacteria

Cương Nguyễn, Nguyễn Huy Hoàng

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TB Cases with two negative sputum samples accounted for about 23% of all TB. This number tends to increase gradually due to the early detection of TB and effective treatment. The Xpert MBT/RIF Ultra test is the 4th generation of the Xpert MTB test, with higher sensitivity. We describe the clinical and laboratory characteristics and determine the value of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra sputum test in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with two negative AFB sputum samples. A cross-sectional descriptive study was performed on 201 suspected TB patients with two negative AFB sputum samples. The study results showed that the proportion of men is 67.7%, the age group from 40 to 64 years old accounted for the highest rate 51.2%, the self-employed accounted for 39.8%. The main reason for admission was cough, accounting for 60.2%. 49.3% of patients had fever, mainly mild fever accounting for 77.8%. On CT chest scan, nodular lesions had the highest rate of 62,2%, ground glass opacity lesions on thoracic CT had MGIT (+) 2.27 times higher with statistical significance with p = 0.041. The sensitivity of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra compared with MGIT sputum is Se 83.3% (50/60), specificity is Sp 95,7% (135/141), PPV positive predictive value is 89.3 % (50/56), the negative predictive value is NPV 93.1% (135/145). The sensitivity of the trace Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra to sputum MGIT is 30% (3/10), the specificity is 91.9% (124/135), the positive predictive value is 21.4% (3). /14), the negative predictive value is 94.7% (124/131). Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra Sputum is highly sensitive and specific in TB sputum smear negative diagnosis


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