Identification of solitary pulmonary nodule at Hanoi Medical University Hospital

Lê Hoàn, Vũ Văn Giáp, Đinh Thị Thanh Hồng, Nguyễn Thị Như Quỳnh, Trần Khánh Chi, MINH HẰNG LÊ

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Solitary pulmonary nodule was defined as well-circumscribed round lesion measuring up to 3 cm in diameter and surrounded by aerated lung without pulmonary collapse, mediastinal lymph nodes or pleural effusion. This is a common pulmonary lesion, which could be benign or malignant. Benign causes include: tuberculoma, harmatoma, pulmonary lymph nodes, sarcoidosis, or aspergilloma. Malignant etiologies include lung cancer, metastatic lung cancer, lymphoma, etc. Our study was conducted to describe the clinical, laboratory and etiological characteristics of solitary pulmonary nodules, thereby serving clinicians to gain more experience in making management decisions for an accurate diagnosis and treatment of malignant pulmonary nodules and to avoid unnecessary interventions for solitary benign pulmonary nodules. This is a descriptive study with 50 patients suffering from isolated pulmonary nodules. The most common site of lesion was the upper lobe of the lung where 44% was lung cancer and 10% tuberculosis. In lung cancer etiology group, 40% of patients had nodular size from 2 to 3 cm, of which 54% were solid nodular lesions.


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