Disease structure at emergency department of Hanoi Medical University Hospital in 2019

Vũ Đình Hùng , Kiều Thị Hoa , Hoang Bui Hai

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A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted to describe the morbidity pattern and temporal distribution of patients presenting to the Emergency department at Hanoi Medical University Hospital in 2019. Of 22,385 patients who presented to the Department in 2019, 50.98% were female, 56.4% in the working age group (18 to 50 years old). The three most common groups of diseases were digestive: 34.69%; infectious: 12.76% and trauma: 11.84%. Disease structure showed a highly variable nature of cases presenting to the Department. Distribution of different disease groups was quite balanced with communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases and trauma being the most common. The number of patients varied throughout the year with the highest in the last quarter, much higher than the first quarter of 2019. In conclusion, the distribution of different disease groups was quite balanced with infectious disease, non-communicable disease and trauma being the most common.

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