Treatment compliance of schizophrenia disorder in Ung Hoa district: related factors

Ly Thi Kim Chi, Tuan Nguyen Van

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The study was conducted to determine  associated factors related to treatment adherence of schizophrenic patients in outpatient treatment in Ung Hoa district, Hanoi. A Cross-sectional descriptive study design was carried out from July 2020 to the end of July 2021 in 230 patients with schizophrenia. The results show that adherence to treatment of patients with schizophrenia has a statistically significant relationship (p < 0.05) with the following factors: age, family history, education level, occupation , knowledge, years of illness, sympathetic encouragement from family. The logistic model shows that knowledge, encouragement and sympathy from family and relatives for patients are predictors of treatment adherence. The conclusion of the study is that the education level, family encouragement, knowledge, age, number of years of disease and family history of patients have a positive impact on adherence to treatment. . In contrast, age, years of disease and family history are risk factors for treatment adherence. Two predictors of compliance were family knowledge and interest.


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