Glucose - 6 - phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency screening by enzymatic assay on dry blood spot

Tran Thi Chi Mai, Nguyễn Thị Phương Cúc

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Screening for G6PD deficiency in newborn allows pediatricians to diagnose, take appropriate precautions and implement early treatment, thereby minimizing severe jaundice associated with G6PD deficiency in infants. This study was conducted to evaluate the validity of measuring enzyme activity on a dry blood sample to screen for G6PD deficiency. Analysis of the ROC curve showed that the test had an area under the curve of 1. At the optimal cut - off point 2,565 IU / g Hb, the sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of G6PD deficiency were 100%. The enzyme activity test on a dry blood sample using the Perkin Elmer kit is valid in the G6PD deficiency screening.

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