The pattern of diseases and treatment situation in the department of surgery – Hanoi general hospital of traditional medicine in 2017 – 2018

Nguyen Thi Thanh Tu, Dang Truc Quynh

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Integrating traditional medicine and modern medicine in patient health care has become the strategic orientation and essential target of  the national health policy. The Surgery Department – Hanoi General Hospital of Traditional Medicine is one of the representative departments of the hospital that realized the importance of this strategy in promoting the effectiveness of the treatment for patients. This retrospective study was conducted to investigate the pattern of diseases and the in-patient treatment situation of the Surgery Department – Hanoi General Hospital of Traditional Medicine in the two years 2017 – 2018 based on 2253 medical records. During these two years, 23.79% of patients underwent surgeries. The overall treatment outcome in two years was 10.21% cured, 84.91% improved. 77.54% patients received integrated therapeutic method of traditional and modern medicine; out of 77.54% patients, 97.2%  was cured and  improved, which was significantly higher than the proportion of patients treated by the sole modern therapeutic method.

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