Assessment of retinoblastoma treatment by ophthalmic artery chemotherapy

Nguyen Thai Hoang, Vu Dang Luu, Nguyen Quang Anh, Nguyen Huu An, Nguyen Tat Thien, Nguyen Thi Thu Trang, Pham Thi Minh Chau, Nguyen Thanh Nam, Le Thi Lan Anh

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Chemotherapy through the ophthalmic artery is significant in the treatment of vision preservation as well as the survival time of patients with retinoblastoma (UNBVM). This is a cross-sectional descriptive study on 27 patients (16 men and 11 women) diagnosed with UNBVM and indicated for ophthalmic arterial chemotherapy from October 2019 to October 2021. Imaging characteristics of retinoblastoma on ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging are described and the results of treatment of retinoblastoma patients with ophthalmic arterial chemotherapy. On ultrasound, 9/27 tumors were detected with calcifications,  representing 23.4% of total tumors. On MRI, 5/25 tumors were detected with calcifications,  representing 13.5% of total tumors. The detection rate on magnetic resonance imaging/number of patients was 85%. 97% of patients used Melphalan alone, 3% used a mixture of Carboplatin, Topotecan, Alkeran. At 3, 6, and 9 months, we monitored 100% of the patients (30 eyes), in which the preserved eye accounted for 76.7%, 70% and 66.7%, respectively. After 12 months, 58.6% of eyes were preserved out of a total of 29 eyes that were followed up, and 1 eye had not had enough follow-up time. After 15 months, 55.6% of eyes were preserved out of 27 eyes followed, 2 eyes  had not enough follow-up time. After 18 months, 41.7% of eyes were preserved out of 27 eyes that were followed up, 3 eyes did not have enough follow-up time.

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