Factors associated to inflammatory root resorption of primary molars in children ages 5 to 8

Vo Thi Thuy Hong, Le Thanh Thuy, Vo Truong Nhu Ngoc

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A cross-sectional descriptive study to determine the factors related to the state of inflammatory root resorption in patients aged 5 to 8. The research variables include age, gender, position and condition of the primary molars and X-ray images of the roots on Panorama film. The results showed that the inflammatory root resorption of primary molars was related to factors such as pulpitis by caries, failure of filling, failure of root canal, pulpotomy and mandibular molars; among these, pulpitis was the riskiest factor with OR = 2669.2 and 95% CI: 579.6-12292.5, followed by failure of root canal with OR = 953 and 95% CI: 207.5-4376.66. Therefore, the inflammatory root resorption of primary molars in patients aged 5 to 8 is closely associated with pulpitis by caries and failure of root canal.

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