To assess the results of analgesia of ultrasound-guided caudal block

Phạm Quang Minh, Phạm Duy Thanh, Vũ Hoàng Phương

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To compare the results of analgesia  and the undesirable effects between ultrasound-guided caudal block and conventional landmark-based caudal block at Hanoi medical university Hospital from 10/2019 - 10/2020. The period of time to define the sacrococcygeal membrane of  two groups was similar, the number of needle punctures through the skin of the anatomy group was 1.87 times more than the ultrasound group 1.37 times, statistically significant difference with p < 0,01; the number of needle direction changes in the skin of the ultrasound group was more than the anatomy group; the caudal block time of the ultrasound group was 72.4 seconds,  longer than the caudal block time of the anatomy group (51.2 seconds), statistically significant difference with p < 0,01. The analgesia effect of the ultrasound group was better than the anatomy group base on the Gunter scale (93.3% compared with 86.7%), no statistically significant difference. Side effects and complications of the 2 methods were low. Conclusion: ultrasound-guided caudal block had a higher success rate and less complications.

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