5. Nutritional status of 11 - 14 year-old students in two inner city districts of Hanoi in 2020

Le Thi Thu Huong, Trinh Bao Ngoc

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A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in 2020 to assess the nutritional status of 2452 students, 11 - 14 years old, at six secondary schools in two inner city districts of Hanoi. Data were collected by direct measuring the students' weight. The results showed that the percentage of stunting among the students was 0.9%, and thinness was 2.7%. The overweight percent is 25.2%, which decreased with age from 11 - 14 years old 28.4%, 27.9%, 20.9%, and 17.8%, respectively (p < 0.05). The prevalence of overweight was higher in male than female (28% and 22.1%) with p < 0.05. There was no difference in the overweight percentage between Ba Dinh and Long Bien districts (26.1% and 24.3% with p > 0.05). The obesity percent is 13.2%, which also decreased by age from 11 - 14 years old at 21%, 13.1%, 7.7%, 7.3%, respectively, with p < 0.05; it was higher in male than female (19.9% and 5.6%, respectively) with p < 0.05; There is a difference in obesity rate between the two districts, Ba Dinh district was higher than Long Bien district (15.7% and 10.6%) with p < 0.05. Factors related to overweight and obesity are age, gender, and location (p < 0.05). Since the rate of overweight and obesity are increasing alarmingly, interventions are necessary to improve this situation.

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