22. Quality of life of children with asthma and associated factors at the Vietnam national Children's Hospital in 2020 -2021

Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, Ta Tuan Anh, Le Huyen Trang

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Quality of life is one of the criteria in the management and treatment of asthma.,. A cross-sectional study method by quantitative interview at the Vietnam National Children's Hospital in 2020- 2021 was conducted to assess the quality of life of 5-12 years old pediatric patients with asthma. Personal information, disease status, treatment adherence data was collected from 160 asthmatic children and QOL assessment was performed using Varni’s J.W's PedsQL™ 3.0 scale The results showed that among the 4 groups of PedsQL scores, the symptom domain has the highest score with 88.1 points; Disease treatment ranked second with 83.13 points. Emotion and communication have the lowest scores of 70.99 and 70.24 points.. The average PedsQL scores of pediatric patients in the study according to the 28 evaluation criteria of the PedsQL™ 3.0 toolkit was 81.45/100 points, which is quite high compared to other domestic and international studies. Research results also show that children with severe asthma, exposed to cigarette smoking or non-compliance with treatment have poor quality of life compared with others.

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