13. Epidemiological and histopathological characteristics of cardiac lesions in young sudden cardiac death

Nguyen Tat Tho, Luu Sy Hung, Trinh Xuan Ha, Au Duong Quoc Uy

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A cross-sectional study was conducted on 113 cases of SCD in young people. Autopsy was performed at the Military Medicine Institute, Hanoi Center for Forensic Medicine, Ho Chi Minh City Center for Forensic Medicine and the Department of Legal Medicine, Hanoi Medical University. The study period was from January 2022 to December 2023. The majority of the cases were males (86.7%). The highest rate of SCD was observed in the 31 - 40 age group (53%), with an average age of 31 ± 7.7 years. Myocardial lesions and coronary atherosclerosis were concentrated in the 21 - 30 and 31 - 40 age groups (p = 0.004) and were more prevalent in males (p = 0.144). In 38 cases (33.6%) of SCD with no apparent myocardial lesions on histology, genetic arrhythmia syndrome (SADS) was suspected. Genetic testing is recommended for cases of SCD in young people without structural lesions on histology.

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