Clinical characteristics of acute poisoned patients with elevated osmol pressure

Đặng Thị Xuân

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The purpose of this study was to assess the clinical characteristics of patients with elevated osmol pressure and OG in acute poisonings. A cross-sectional study totalling 129 patients selected from the Poison Control Center at Bach Mai Hospital was conducted. The results showed common clinical characteristics which were significantly increased with osmol pressure gap: consciousness disorder (76.7%); headache (81.3%); convulsion (8.5%); hypotension (22.4%); metabolic acidosis (66.7%); acute kidney injury (20.1%); respiratory failure (25.5%); multi-organ failure (23.3%); high Hct (78.2%), leukocytosis (58.9%); increased lactate (82,9%); hypoglycemia (51.1%); rhabdomyolysis (41.1%); hypokalemia (44.9%). Deceased patients had higher osmol pressure and OG, longer hospital stay than survived patients.  In summary, the evaluation of clinical and laboratory characteristics in patients with elevated osmotic pressure due to acute poisoning is essential for early management and prognosis of complications.

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