28. Social media and dental care in Hanoi

Nguyen Thanh Binh, Vo Truong Nhu Ngoc, Trinh Hong Thuong, Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang

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The purpose of this cross sectional study was to describe the effect of social media of patients’ selection for dental care in Hanoi We studied dental care of 474 patients in Hanoi from 05/2021 to 03/2022. Results show that 100% of patients have social media accounts, in which the most popular platform for patients was Facebook (79.9%), Zalo (8.2%). Dental services often was searched through social networks account for braces 40.7%; tartar clean up, tooth decay filling 29.1%, dental treatment 24.5%. Some of the factors related to choice a dentist or clinic via social networks were the dentist's qualifications (53.6, positive reviews (45.6%), before and after treatment images 44.7%, facilities and equipment 32.9%, referrals from friends/relatives 29.3%. The current findings shed additional light on the role of social media in dentist-patient interactions and relationships.

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