13. Clinical characteristics of sleep disorder in amphetamine type stimulant users

Hoang Thi Thu Huong, Nguyen Van Tuan

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Amphetamine-type stimulants users often have sleep disorder with various manifestations: insomnia, hypersomnia, nightmares, sleep-wake rhythm disturbance, which affect patients’s quality of life; sleep disorders especially insomnia may be the risk factor for abuse. We conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study to describe the clinical characteristics of sleep disorders in this group of patients. 70 inpatients diagnosed with amphetamine-induced mental and behavioral disorders at the National Psychiatric Hospital No1 and Hanoi Psychiatric Hospital from August 2021 to May 2022 were included in this study. 85.7% of patients had sleep disorder. Among patients with sleep disorder, 88.3% were males 50% are from aged 30 - 39 years old with 60% having used drugs for more than 5 years, 96.7% had insomnia with 86.7% had difficulty falling asleep and 76.7% had difficulty falling asleep. 73.3% of patients with sleep disorders are affected in their daily work activities caused by fatigue (85%), irritability (76.7%) and restlessness (66.7%).

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