39. Prolonged fever after COVID-19 associated pulmonary Aspergillus (CAPA): A case report

Do Thi Dai Trang, Nguyen Hoai Thuong

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COVID-19 associated pulmonary Aspergillosis (CAPA) is a new disease characterized by secondary Aspergillus mold infection in patients with COVID-19. It primarily affects COVID-19 patients in critical state requiring care in intensive care units and has a high mortality rate. We report a case of an 11-year-old girl with a healthy history and mild COVID-19 infection, who was admitted to the hospital with a fever lasting 1.5 months since the onset of COVID-19. The child was excluded from other causes of persistent fever and diagnosed with suspected case of CAPA. The child responded well to treatment with voriconazole. Conclusion: CAPA has non-specific clinical symptoms. In children with persistent fever after COVID-19 infection, the possibility of invasive fungal infection should be evaluated, including in children with mild COVID-19 who have a completely normal immune system and no risk factors.

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