Values of perineal examination and imaging tests in determining recto-urethral fistula

Ngo Duy Minh, Nguyen Thanh Liem, Pham Duy Hien, Tran Anh Quynh

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This study was conducted to determine the value of perineal examination, rectal pouch X - ray (distalColostography), voiding cystourethrography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and cystoscopy in diagnosis of recto - urethral fistula. The study was conducted in all patients with recto - urethral fistula determined during steps 2 surgery (Surgical anorectoplasty), from June 2018 to June 2020 at the Surgical Department of Vietnam National Children's Hospital. Results showed that 92.9% of patients with rectoprostatic fistula had “flat bottom”, 94.1% of patients with rectobulbar fistula had visible anal dimple, and 75.6% of all fistulas were determined on distal colostography. Compared to colostography, the voiding cystourethrography had lower detection rate (66.7%). Compared to distal colostography, MRI and cystoscopy had higher detection rate in identifying the recto - urethral fistula, at 93.3% and 95.6% respectively.

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