The current situation of personel of rehabilitation physician and specialized technician in provincial and district hospitals in ecological areas

Đoàn Quốc Hưng, Lê Minh Giang, Phạm Văn Minh, Hoàng Thị Hải Vân, Phạm Văn Tác, Nguyễn Thị Kim Liên, Nguyễn Hoài Nam, Trần Thị Hảo, Phạm Phương Mai, Hoàng Thị Thu Hà, Đào Vũ Hoàng, Nguyễn Thị Thu Hường

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We used self-filling report form to collect information of city/province general hospitals, district general hospitals and specialized rehabilitation hospitals to describe the situation of human resources in rehabilitation sector. The results showed that among 26 hospitals were collected, including 200 rehabilitation doctors and 344 rehabilitation technicians. Most of their qualifications were traditional medicine doctors (47%) and specialists oriented in rehabilitation (25%). Distribution of doctors’ workforce between ecological regions was uneven, with the highest density in the North Central Coast (27.5%) and the Northern Midlands and Mountains (25%) while nearly half of the rehabilitation technicians were concentrated in the coastal and South Central regions (42.2%). In addition, the study also showed that nearly 70% were physiotherapists, only the lowest in speech therapist was 7.3%. It is necessary to promote the training of human resources in the appropriate profession, including rehabilitation doctors and technicians, similarry among areas to develop and enhance rehabilitation human resources in the future.

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