18. Clinical features of the manic episode in inpatient bipolar I disorder

Nong Duc Dung, Tran Nguyen Ngoc, Nguyen Van Tuan

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Objectives: Describe the clinical characteristics of manic episodes in patients with bipolar I affective disorder (DSM-5TR) receiving inpatient treatment. Subjects: 86 patients (46 women, 40 men) with bipolar I disorder, admitted for manic episode treatment. Methods: a descriptive clinical approach, using the ICD.10 diagnostic criteria and the DSM-5TR criteria. Results: Age of onset was 27.56 ± 8.92 (female 28.15 ± 9.83, male 26.88 ± 7.82), 24 years or younger age group represented 40.7%. 25 - 34 years old age group represented 43.0%. The frequency of attacks were 1.50 ± 0.92 attacks/year (8.26 ± 2.46 attacks per month), the average rate of attacks was 93.0%, the rapid cycle was 7.0%, the frequency of attacks was average in patients with disease for 5 years or more, the rate of rapid cycles was high in the group with less than 5 years of disease (p = 0.0100). Common onset symptoms included decrease of sleep, increased communication 100.0%, self-esteem 82.6%, over-optimism 57.0%, disinterest in eating 15.1%. Common symptoms were elevated mood, emotional anger, increased self-esteem or grandeur, decreased need for sleep, excessive talk, increased activity (both 100.0%), illusion of fast flying 86.0%, participated in many adventurous activities 98.8% and paranoia 89.5%.

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