22. Sexual function of male patients after spinal surgery at Hanoi Medical University Hospital

Nguyen Vu, Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen

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Pain caused by spinal degeneration is one of the causes of sexual dysfunction in males. Spinal surgery is considered as a solution to improve this condition. A cross-sectional description study was conducted to evaluate the sexual function after spinal surgery of male patients and associated factors. 120 eligible patients participated in the study, the oldest was 75 years old, the youngest was 21 years old, the average age was 53.18 ± 1.33. After spinal surgery, patients had improved sexual function, the frequency increased from 4.13 ± 3.02 to 6.21 ± 4.25 (once a month), improved pain relief after sex and decreased incidence of sexual dysfunction (according to CFSQ- 14). The percentage of patients with postoperative sexual dysfunction was 56.67%. However, after surgery, 41.7% of patients had decreased sexual interest, 82.5% decreased sexual arousal and 70.8% had sexual orgasm dysfunction. 87.5% of patients experienced reduced sexual pleasure. Age, pain after sex, stress and smoking had been linked to sexual dysfunction (p < 0.05). Older patients tended to have more sexual dysfunction than younger patients. Similarly, patients with pain after sex or tension/stress or smoking had more sexual dysfunction than patients without the aforementioned factors.

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