19. Hair growth stimulation effect of Elipta prostarta (L.) extract on experimental animals

Tran Thi Hong Ngoc, Do Thi Hong Khanh, Ho My Dung, Nguyen Thai Ha Duong, Tran Tien Dat, Bui Thi My Hang, Mai Phuong Thanh, Phan Hong Minh

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the hair growth-stimulating effect of Eclip prostrata extract (CCCNN) on experimental animals. Wistar rats were shaved and given a cyclophosphamide peritoneal injection of 150 mg/kg to induce a pattern of hair growth inhibition. Wistar rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: biological control group, model group, positive control group (finasteride), 50 mg/kg dose and 150 mg/kg dose of CCCNN. Evaluation criteria include the level of hair loss, hair length after 19 days, 26 days and macroscopic, microscopic images of the shaved area. The results showed that 50 and 150 mg/kg doses of Eclip prostrata extract have the effect of stimulating hair growth and significantly increasing hair length as well as improving microscopic hair follicle growth. Based on the experimental results, we suggest that Eclip prostrata extract has a stimulating effect on hair growth on the cylophosphamide- induced model on rats.

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