Education needs on climate change and health of students at Medical Universities in Vietnam

Trần Như Thảo, Lê Huỳnh Thị Cẩm Hồng, Lô Thị Ngọc Nữ, Lê Thị Diễm Trinh, Đỗ Thị Hoài Thương, Nguyễn Quang Bảo, Phùng Trí Dũng, Trần Ngọc Đăng

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Desk research method and qualitative research were carried out to evaluate the education needs on climate change and its impact on health of medical students in Vietnam. The result indicated that students in general medicine and preventive medicine are receiving 1-2 lessons in climate change and health. Training on climate change was essential for general practitioners to treat and advise patients, for preventive medicine doctors to predict disease trends, plan communication, and respond to emergencies due to climate change impacts. Students wished to integrate climate change topic into their training program during the 2nd and 3rd year for general medicine and 4th and 5th year for preventive medicine. The expected duration of training was 4–5 periods and the expected methods of delivering the training was active participating, including presentation, report and discussion sessions. It was advisable to train applicable topics such as health issues due to climate change, how to handle, plan communication, and respond to climate change. Future quantitative study is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of climate change training for medical students, and to recommend appropriate training programs for medical students and faculty.

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