17. Results of surgical treatment of ependymoma at Viet Duc Hospital by intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring system

Tran Son Tung, Duong Dai Ha, Le Hong Nhan

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Surgical removal of spinal cord tumors remains challenging for surgeons although there are great advances in neurological imaging and microsurgery techniques. The development and progress of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IONM), represents an important tool in monitoring neural conductivity, especially for intramedullary injuries, including ependymoma. Method: The study was conducted from January 2022 to February 2024 with 39 patients diagnosed with intramedullary spine tumor. Results: The average age of the study group was 36.64, the total tumor removal rate was 61.5%, and the sensitivity and specificity of somatosensory-evoked potential (SSEP) were 64% and 82%, respectively; motor-evoked potential (MEP) sensitivity and specificity were also 100% and 92%. Conclusion: We present these results to highlight and to raise awareness of IONM during surgery and the importance of applying this system to improve surgical effectiveness.

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