8. Survey of BCD19+ cell population in peripheral blood of patients with pemphigus vulgaris

Quach Thi Ha Giang, Tran Thi Huyen, Do Thi Vinh An, Le Lan Anh, Pham Thi Lan

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B cells play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of pemphigus vulgaris, an autoimmune bullous skin disease. This is a cross-sectional descriptive study on 50 patients with pemphigus vulgaris to determine the quantity and frequency of BCD19+ cell populations in peripheral blood and to evaluate the relationship of these indicators with age, gender, PDAI score and anti-desmoglein 1 and 3 autoantibody serum levels. Results obtained from flow cytometry showed that, in peripheral blood, the median number of CD19+B cells (interquartile range) was 213 (166) cells/µL, and the ratio of B cells/lymphocytes was 11.14 (7.35) %. There was no difference in the number and frequency of B cells according to gender, age group, PDAI, and anti-desmoglein autoantibody serum titer (p > 0.05). Characteristics of B cell populations can be a tool to predict disease progression and the effectiveness of B cell-targeted therapy in patients with pemphigus vulgaris.

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