Genetic abnormalities in non-small-cell lung cancer

Tran Khanh Chi, Bui Thi Duyen, Trinh Le Huy

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This study aimed to evaluate the rate of genetic mutations in patients with non- small-cell lung cancer by Next-Generation Sequencing at Hanoi Medical university hospital from 2022 to 2023 and to assess the relationship between genetic mutations and pathological characteristics in non-small-cell lung cancer. In 90 non-small-cell lung cancer patients in the study, we found EGFR gene mutations in 41.1% of cases; KRAS gene mutation in 11.1%; ALK gene fusion in 4.4%; PIK3CA gene mutation in 2.2%; BRAF gene mutation in 1.1%; MET gene mutation in 1.1% and ROS1 gene fusion in 1.1%. We found that EGFR mutations were more commonly detected in female, non-smokers and having adenocarcinoma while KRAS mutations were more commonly detected in male.

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