Nutrition compliance of type 2 diabetes outpatients at The National Hospital of Endocrinology in 2021 and associated factors

Phạm Hoàng Anh, Nguyễn Thị Thu Hà, Lê Thị Thảo Ly, Trọng Hưng Nguyễn1
1 Viện Dinh dưỡng

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Diabetes mellitus is a global non-communicable disease with a rapid increase globally as well as in Vietnam. The key to success in diabetes treatment is adherence to treatment, especially adherence to nutrition. A cross-sectional descriptive study was perfromed on 220 patients of type 2 diabetes treated as outpatients at the Department of Examination, National Hospital of Endocrinology from January to the end of March 2021 with the target objectives are describing the current situation of nutritional compliance and associated factors. Results: the patient's nutritional compliance reached 98.4%, the factor related to nutritional compliance was the patient's satisfaction with the attitude of medical staff and the medical expenses. From these results, we recommend a need for closer monitoring and nutrition counseling in low-income subjects.

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