Factors related to the nutritional status of children under 24 months of age treated at The Bac Giang province disease control center in 2020

Ngọc Trịnh Bảo, Nguyễn Thị Như Quỳnh, Liễu Nguyễn Thị Thu1
1 Đại học Y Hà Nội

Main Article Content


A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 200 children under 24 months of age examinated at the Center for Disease Control of Bac Giang province. The objective of this study is to evaluate a number of factors related to nutritional status of children under 24 months of age visiting the Bac Giang province disease control center in 2020. The results of this study show that the prevalence of malnutrition among children in the study area was high in all three indicators, of which underweight was 10.5% (CN/T), stunted 22.5% (CC/T) and emaciated 6.5% (CN/CC). Maternal weaning time is a statistically significant factor in the nutritional status of children with stunting.

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