Low nutrition knowledge level and deficiencies in serum iron and zinc in female workers at midori apparel company in northern Vietnam

Nguyễn Thuỳ Linh, Tạ Thanh Nga, Nguyễn Thuý Nam, Phạm Thị Tuyết Chinh

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This study aimed to assess the micronutrients deficiency status and the association between the knowledge of micronutrients and deficiencies in serum iron and zincamong 500 female workers at Midori Apparel Vietnam, from June 2020 to October 2020. The prevalence of serum iron deficiency was 5.6%, of serum ferritin deficiency was 3.8%, and of zinc deficiency was 67.6%. Most participants (98.2%) had low knowledge of zinc deficiency and none had good knowledge level regarding micronutrient deficiency. Those with some knowledge of iron deficiency were significantly less likely to have iron deficiency  (p < 0.05). There was no statistically significant correlation between knowledge of zinc deficiency and having zinc deficiency.

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