Non-communicable diseases among the elderly and their risk factors in some communities of Ha Nam province in 2018
Main Article Content
This study aimed to describe the prevalence of non-communicable diseases among the elderly in some communes of Ha Nam province in 2018 and identify some behavioral risk factors associted with disease status. Interviews and surveys were administered among 1211 adults aged 60 or older. About half of the elderly (51%) had non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases was the highest (41.3%), followed by diabetes (8.3%), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (8.7%), and cancer (4.7%). Only 17.6% of the elderly reported smoking cigarettes/waterpipe, and less than half of those who smoked were men (44.0%). Among male elderly who smoked, a little more than half were aged 60 to 69 years. About 20.9% of the elderly drank alcohol is 20.9%, of whom 24.8% were those aged 60-69 years. On average, the elderly took foods rich in vitamins and fiber about 23.1 ± 9.6 times per week, and foods rich in glucoside about 17.8 ± 5.0 times per week. About one fifth of the elderly (20.0%) were inactive, and women were more likely to be inactive than men. Among the elderly in Hanam province, there is a need for effective health education and communication activities, better management and treatment of patients at commune and community health centers, early screening for cardiovascular diseases, and clear guidelines for diets to reduce the risk of cancer.
Article Details
Non-communicable disease, the elderly, risk behavior factor.
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