Health counseling for inpatients by nurses in surgery department at Military Central Hospital 108 in 2018

Kim Bảo Giang, Nguyễn Thị Khuyến

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Providing health counseling for patients is a critical part of a nurse’s duty. This cross-sectional study aimed to identify patient-level variables associated with nurses’ adequate provision of counseling among inpatients at the surgical department in the Central Military Hospital 108. Surveys were administered to 163 inpatients who had surgery and were ready to be discharged between August and October 2018. Fourty nine essential counseling items were collected by interviewing the patients. The results showed 76.1% fo the patients received adequate counseling before surgery; after surgery was 83.4%, and before discharge was 84.7%. Not all patients received pre-surgery counseling on "Advice on postoperative pain control", "Information on normal changes after surgery"; "Wound healing status and progress ","Encourage participation in accurate identification of patients"; "Counseling where to go when abnormal happens". Patients who had 7 days and longer hospitalisation time and patients who underwent on-schedule surgery were more likely to got adequate counseling.

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