Need for health workforce by centers for disease control and prevention in the period of 2018 - 2020
Main Article Content
The cross-sectional study combined quantitative and qualitative data from 18 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to describe the health workforce after these centers were formed by merging local health facilities. The results showed that the proportions of staff with medical majors was 64.5%, of which bachelor's degree and postgraduate degree accounted for 56.8%. Allocations of human resource by department functions were 3.6% in the board of directors, 19.5% in specialized departments, and 76.9% in professional departments. Most of the staff who have worked at the centers for a long time have changed jobs or transferred to another position, leading to the situation that those who can perform a particular job’s function are not assigned to that job, and those who have the right qualification for the job are not yet familiar with the job’s duties. The demand for human resources at provincial health centers in 2020 tended to increase gradually to the payroll quota, towards a balance in the center’s organizational structure in terms of both professional qualifications and functions.
Article Details
Health Workforce, Human Resources for Health, Preventive Medicine, Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention.
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