Applying workload indicatiors of staffing need (WISN) to calculate the need for nurses at Uong Bi Vietnam-Sweden Hospital in 2019
Main Article Content
This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in 4 clinical departments of the Vietnam-Sweden Hospital with two objectives: (1) to determine the need for nurses by these departments and (2) to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the WISNin this study. This study analyzed secondary data using both quantitative and qualitative methods. In total, 58 nurses were enrolled. I In terms of staffing need, 2 out of the 4 departments had the number of staffs over the WISN need (from 1-2 nurses), and 1 department lacked 2 nurses. The advantages of applying WISN were the support for using WISN by leaders, managers and staffs at the hospital, WISN provided good information based on the available data, and staffs were introduced and trained to use the WISN method. Some difficulties in using WISN were related to the accuracy in listing workload and standard activity, and some data were unavailable. This study provided evidence for improving staffing allocation and WISN method implementation.
Article Details
nurse, hospital, worload, staffing need, WISN.
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