Epstein-Barr virus as a trigger of autoimmune hepatitis

Do Thi Dai Trang, Do Thi Thuy Nga

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 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a cause of infectious mononucleosis hepatitis. This condition
is usually mild and self-limiting. Occasionally EBV can be a trigger for autoimmune hepatitis.
We report a case of a female teenager diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis hepatitis
following an EBV infection. After treatment with antiviral drugs, level of serum transaminases
were significantly raised, Immunoglobulin G (IgG) was consistently elevated, anti-smooth muscle
antibody (LC-1) was positive, and liver biopsy showed typical characteristics of autoimmune
hepatitis. In adolescents with EBV infection who have persistent hepatitis, other causes of
hepatitis should be ruled out. In the presence of specific liver-related autoantibodies, the
physicians should consider a liver biopsy and combine tests to diagnosis autoimmune hepatitis.

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