Clinical characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorders from 24-72 months in Can Tho city

Tran Thien Thang, Nguyen Minh Phuong, Huynh Nguyen Phuong Quang, Phan Viet Hung, Vo Van Thi, Nguyen Van Tuan

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Autism spectrum disorder is a complex developmental disorder, the term "spectrum" refers to the variety of symptoms and severity of the disorder. Early detection of the disorder is very important for effective intervention. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the clinical characteristics of children with ASD by structured questionnaires and a history of detecting children. Through the study of 60 children with ASD from 24-71 months, we noted: parents are the first to detect abnormalities (96.7%), through 2 common symptoms of "speech delay" (60.0%), “lack of eye contact” (16.7%) mainly at the period of 18-24 months (96.7%), average age at diagnosis was 31.07 + 8.3 months, severe children accounted for 59.4 %. The most common symptom was “do not role playing” in both groups of children < 48 months (93.8%) and > 48 months (71.4%). Thereby, it is necessary to guide parents to recognize the signs of "eye contact" and "speech delay" to detect the disorder early, expand research and develop a questionnaire to screen ASD for Vietnamese people.

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