Effect of physical activity among type 2 diabetic outpatients

Nguyen Thi Tam, Pham Thang, Vu Thi Thanh Huyen

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A randomized control trial was conducted in Outpatients department, Dong Anh General Hospital and National Geriatric Hospital. A total of 64 outpatients with diabetes were recruited in the study, the average age was 58.7 ± 7. Patients were randomized into two groups: (1) 27 patients in the intervention group received 6-months program of PA intervention (guided to use pedometer, PA diaries), (2) 37 patients in the control group received standard care. Glucose, HbA1c, HOMA-IR, HOMA-β, lipid profile, were assessed in the study. Effect of PA on body mass index, blood pressure, and fitness was investigated. In the intervention group, fasting plasma glucose was decreased by 1.6mmol/l. Over six months, HbA1c was reduced by 0.94% in the intervention group, but slightly increased in the control group, p < 0.01. HOMA-IR index was significantly increased in the intervention group. In conclusion, physical activity intervention shows positive effect on glucose control and insulin resistance among diabetic outpatients.

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