27. Bilateral collateral ligament reconstruction for chronic elbow dislocation: A case report and literature review

Hoang Minh Thang, Do Van Minh, Dao Xuan Thanh

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We report a case of a 38 years old male who was hospitalized for chronic elbow dislocation. He suffered from open distal left forearm fracture combined with closed elbow dislocation caused by fall from height. He was admitted at the local hospital for debridement, open reduction and Kirschner wires fixation for distal radius and ulna bone and closed reduction and long arm cast immobilization. After 6 months of surgery, he presented with stiffness on the left elbow in a position of 20 degrees of flexion (ROM: 20/20/0). The left elbow and forearm soft tissue was stable and the left upper limb neurovascular was intact. He was diagnosed with left elbow stiffness due to chronic left elbow dislocation. Open reduction, triceps lengthening and bilateral collateral ligament reconstruction using semitendinosus autograft through posterior approach were performed. Temporary immobilization was done for 3 weeks, and physiotherapy was applied to improved elbow movements. At the nine months follow- up after surgery, his left elbow range of motion was nearly normal with stable elbow and without pain.

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