3. Identfication of point mutations in PARK2 gene with Parkinson’s disease patients using sequencing method

Pham Le Anh Tuan, Nguyen Thanh Binh, Tran Van Khanh, Tran Huy Thinh

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PARK2 encodes Parkin, a E3 ubiquitin ligase enzyme. Mutations on PARK2 gene were often recorded in autosomal recessive juvenile form of Parkinson’s. Object: Point mutations in PARK2 genes were found in early-onset Parkinson patients (before age of 40) at the rate of 9 - 12%. We suggest that it is necessary to conduct an investigation of PARK2 mutations in Vietnamese cohort. This cohort study was performed in 30 Parkinson patients with average age of 52.6 ± 7.4 years old, male/female ratio is 1.3, using Sanger sequencing. Three different types of point mutations were found in three patients (10%). All these three patients are currently in phase I and phase II of the disease. This study proved to be significant to not only patients and their families but also to the database of Parkinson disease in Vietnam.

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