27. Side effects following vaccination at Hanoi Medical University vaccination center between 2015 - 2020

Nguyen Van Thanh, Le Thi Thanh Xuan, Nguyen Thuy Nam, Hoang Dieu Linh, Le Thi Thanh Ha

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The study describes cases of post-vaccination reactions at the vaccination department of Hanoi Medical University from 2015 to 2020. Most of them are common post-injection reactions while there were 4 cases with serious side effects. The rate of serious side effects was 3.7/100,000 doses of vaccine in general. The highest rate of serious side effects was with pneumococcal vaccine with the rate of 25 cases/100,000 doses of vaccine. Serious side effects occur within less than 10 minutes; t the first symptom is usually cyanosis and difficulty breathing. Common side effects are seen mainly in subjects receiving meningococcal, hepatitis B, 6-in-1, pneumococcal and tetanus vaccines. Time occurs mainly from 1 day to 2 days after injection with symptoms of fever, dizziness, erythema and itching. The main causes are due to hypersensitivity reactions to vaccines and due to coincidence with other causes. All subjects with post-injection reactions recovered and stabilized.

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