7. The effectiveness of vaccum assisted closure for traumatic soft tissue defects treatment

Bui Thi Kim Dung, Pham Quang Anh, Dinh Quang Chung, Nguyen Tien Thanh, Chu Minh Duc, Mac Huy Cuong, Nguyen Huu Tuan, Luu Thi Huong Lien, Pham Van Thanh, Ngo Xuan Khoa, Hoang Van Hong

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Treating traumatic soft-tissue defects treatment has been a challenge for plastic surgeons, however, the use of vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) seems to be effective in facilitating wound closure. Vietnamese medical literature still lacks research on the effectiveness of VAC using specialized scales and measurements. Therefore, we conducted this study with two objectives: 1) To assess the time and wound healing rate after VAC placement and 2) to describe complications and side effects of VAC treatment. A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted among 41 patients with traumatic soft-tissue defect from the Upper extremity Orthopedics and Sport Medicine Department of Viet Duc Hospital and the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Department of Hanoi Medical University Hospital. In our study, the wound score significantly decreased after the VAC treatment (p < 0.001). Granulation coverage significantly increased (p < 0.001). Complications included wound edge maceration (7 cases, 17.1%) and bleeding (1 case, 2.4%). The results showed the significance and safety of VAC in soft tissue defect patient treatment.

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