Diet of thyroid cancer patients before i-131 treatment at The National Hospital of Endocrinology in the period 2020 - 2021

Hằng Hoàng1, Lương Quốc Hải, Trần Văn Phương, Nguyễn Trọng Hưng
1 Đại học Y Hà Nội

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Insuffisance dietary intake for recommended demand (NCKN) and the strict iodine diet affects on nutrition of thyroid cancer patients (UTTG). Researching the nutritional intake will help to assess and timely manage the diet to increase the effectiveness of treatment. This is a cross-sectional descriptive study of 203 thyroid cancer patients who had surgery, and were prepared for I-131 treatment at the National Hospital of Endocrinology. Results: the average caloric intake was 1264 ± 406 kcal/day, where the ratio of substances that produced energy P:L:G was 16.9: 13.6: 69.6%, respectively. Evaluation of the rate of meeting the recommended needs (NCKN) of Energy, Glucid, and Protein is 13.3%, 24.1% and 6.4%, respectively. Most vitamins and minerals cannot provide enough NCKN. The average duration of the Iodine-restricted diet was 20.7 ± 5.4 days; 0.5 to 12.3% of the study subjects consumed all of each food group and 28.1% of the subjects selected foods prepared from the soybeans group, and cruciferous vegetables.

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