Students’ feedback on online covid-19 learning modules and community practicals during pandemic at Hanoi Medical University in 2020
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A cross-sectional analysis was conducted among 258 students of Hanoi Medical University, 2020 to evaluate the effectiveness of the community-based practical and online learning modules. The students' average assessment score (on a scale of 1 - 4) of the COVID-19 online module was 3.33 ± 0.44; the community-based practical module was 3.31 ± 0.45. The students highly appreciated the appropriate content and the online COVID-19 module received the highest score of 3.28. The highest rated aspect of the online COVID-19 module was the clear and informative objective of the module, and the highest rated aspect of the community-based practical was the enthusiasm of the lecturers. Overall, the students felt that the evaluation of the community-based practical was fair and accurate. There is a high correlation among the components of the community-based practical with r values ranging from 0.7897 to 0.8889 (p < 0.05). The students provided good feedback on the community-based practical and more research was needed to refine the practical program.
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community practice, students, Hanoi Medical University.
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